"It is never too late to start taking care of the body you have." - Tobe Hanson
What is fitness for special populations?
We all know exercise is important. After all, you can't pick up a magazine or newspaper without encountering a headline espousing the many benefits of moving our bodies. Better sleep, better health, better moods, better bodies. The list of benefits goes on and on and on. But for some, perhaps due to an illness, chronic disease, or years of inactivity, the thought of starting a fitness program is overwhelming. These special populations have no idea where to start, and often harbor real fears about hurting themselves.
Throughout the years Shaun has worked with hundreds of individuals who want to move but are afraid or who simply don't know how to get started. She understands that what works for the average person may not work for someone with special needs.
Her professional training, decades working as a physical therapist, and personal training background have provided her a unique perspective into these special populations. She understands what's at stake physically and emotionally, and she can help.
Don't miss out on the many benefits of exercise. Contact Shaun today to see how she can help.